Set timer for 6 minutes
Set timer for 6 minutes

set timer for 6 minutes

Overriding the node via incoming messages This is like the built in delay function of node-red, but with the ability to not only restart the timer, but to stop it as well. (for example: 2.5 minutes will decrement to 2 minutes, then 1 minute, then every second down to zero) In that case, the first update will be for the partial minute, after which it will operate as noted above.

  • The exception to this rule is if your duration is not a minute increment.
  • At the 1 minute point, it will switch to reporting every second.
  • While there is more than 1 minute remaining, the timer will decrement every minute.
  • The status below the node as well as the third output can be configured to update: The third output will send the time remaining, in HH:MM:SS format as time ticks away. If the timer is stopped, the second and third output will automatically send a payload of 'stopped'. The second output allows you to send an additional payload of a number, string or boolean. If a new msg is received before the timer has ended, it will replace the existing msg and the timer will be restarted, unless the new msg has a payload of 'stop' or 'STOP', in which case it will stop the timer. Sends the msg through the first output after the set timer duration.


    Npm install node-red-contrib-stoptimer-varidelay General usage A new msg received before the timer expires will replace the existing msg and the timer will be restarted, unless the new msg has a payload of 'stop' or 'STOP', which will stop the timer. Sends the msg through the 1st output after the timer duration. Node-red-contrib-stoptimer-varidelay 0.5.2

    Set timer for 6 minutes